Wednesday 1 August 2007

A recent event

I sat down the other day and read an article from the magazine The Spectator.
The article was discussing President Putin and his recent activity which happens to involve the following:
  1. Buying lots of weapons
  2. Neglecting his country's infrastructure and health financially to buy more weapons
This scares me quite a lot because i think about the damage this man can cause. What scares me more is that I've met him, face to face. He's a cold guy with a military ethos around him, barely spoke a word and when he did, it was hardly audible because of the radio noise emanating from one of the many walkie-talkies carried by his bodyguards...

Saturday 21 July 2007

Things to do

number 1 priority right now is trying to find something worthwhile to do (hence the blogging ^_^)
Picture the situation,
You're stuck in a random house in the middle of nowhere (in france) and there are no clubs, no shops and everyone else is younger than you..
It gets a bit tiresome really cos yeah there's a pool but it's not heated so it's kinda cold.

i'm missing last week a lot. Catching up with some old mates at parties was the highlight of last week.

mm guess i'm just tired.

Incidentally, if anyone knows anything about the camden witchfest tell me please. I'd love to know!

Thursday 12 July 2007

Life goes on...

Tune i'm listening to: "Life goes on" by motorcycle

Being my first blog and all i thought i'd explain a little bit about what it's for. For my own personal use and to throw some thought into other peoples lives i guess. It's 11:40pm and i'm feeling pensive. My second last year of school finishes in roughly 13 hours and i'm sitting here with a lot of work to finish by the morning!

This blog is going to be a diary, but something everyone can see and comment on, our lives have already become too integrated for my privacy to matter that much, with the advent of myspace and facebook peoples lives are becoming more public in a simple flicker of a screen.

so yeah... My day today.
It was tiring, i journeyed up to Birmingham to play trumpet in a youth music festival final or sorts. I don't quite know why. It seems like a waste of time to travel all the way up to Birmingham from London to simply play trumpet for 15 minutes but oh well, i didn't have to pay for the train fare :P

for now, i leave to work but I'll hopefully be blogging on here a bit frequently.

Peace :)